
Work/Life Flywheel has landed!

Future Work/Life #123

THE BIG DAY IS HERE! And as a special treat…

Work/Life Flywheel is available today for less than a pint of milk!

That’s right, you can bag the Kindle edition for only 99p/99¢, allowing you to…

🚀 Take control of your long-term future using a proven step-by-step process
🚀 Develop the confidence to transform your career by focusing on becoming an expert in your niche
🚀 Adopt a creative and experimental approach to your work/life that delivers consistent, measurable results
🚀 Cultivate a network of global collaborators to support your transition and generate new opportunities

That’s why Daniel H. Pink has described it as:

“The system you need to make bold changes in your career.”

So if you’re determined to make 2023 the year you reimagine your career, get yourself over to Amazon now!

PS – If you’re more interested in holding a real book, you can order that now too…

PPS – If you like it, PLEASE leave a review!
